Photography,  travel

Trip pix: Pittsburgh with an h

I’ve had a few readers ask me about the photo in my blog header so I thought I’d share the story behind it.

No, it’s not a stock image I purchased – but thank you to those who think my photography work is good enough to sell :-)

Back in August 2010 when Lee & I were meandering around Pittsburgh, I thought to myself: I shouldn’t have worn these sandals. Oh, and look at this cool view. I should take a photo of this old viewfinder because it’ll go well with the blog I will likely start in two and a half years.

OK, what really happened: I was trying to find a photo I thought I had taken of a view looking out a window to go with the name Next Door To Normal. While scanning through thousands of unorganized digital files looking for that image, I stumbled upon a series of photos I’d forgotten I took. As soon as I saw them, I knew I’d found my header image!

When you say Pittsburgh out here in the plains, it’s important to quickly note whether you’re talking about the city with an h or without an h on the end. It’s the way we designate if we’re talking about Pittsburg, Kansas, or Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Here’s a surprise: our trip to Pittsburgh was a baseball trip. We flew non-stop from Wichita to Detroit, then drove to Pittsburgh. Lee was able to tick the box on the stadiums in both cities. FYI: he’s currently just two shy of seeing a Major League Baseball game in every MLB city.

This image of the viewfinder overlooking downtown Pittsburgh’s skyline and river valley was taken on Grandview Avenue in the Mt. Washington neighborhood of the south city area. To get to the top of the steep hill we rode the inclines, which are said to be the oldest continuous inclines in the world.

If you’re ever watching a televised Steelers or Pirates game, no doubt they will show a view from this spot. {Unless the blimp is there.}

The full photo makes it easier to see the river valley and the different angle allows you to see the city’s skyline. Since my blog has nothing to do with Pittsburgh, though, I chose this view and cropped the image to focus on the viewfinder and the words “turn to clear vision.”

I’m certain this decision has saved hundreds of thousands of readers who might have subscribed to my blog thinking the content was going to be about living in Pittsburgh. You’re welcome, Pittsburgh.


Writer. Photographer. Lover of travel. Believer that all who wander are not lost. #Mizzou grad living in Wichita, Kansas.

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