
Getting to know me — a Kansas Women Bloggers assignment

Kansas Women Bloggers is having a link party and this is my contribution. The instructions were to write a post on my blog answering the questions below so members of Kansas Women Bloggers could get to know each other.

Getting to Know You Link Party with the Kansas Women Bloggers

1. If you make money with your blog, how do you do it?

I currently do not use this blog to make money, it’s a creative outlet. I have a writing and photography portfolio site that I run on a blog platform, and that is an indirect way to boost my earnings as a writer and photographer.

2. How do you increase your blog readership?

I share my blog posts via Facebook. I need to be more consistent about sharing posts via Twitter. I also join communities like Kansas Women Bloggers and TBEX (Travel Bloggers Exchange).

3. If you aren’t originally from Kansas, what brought you here?

I moved from my home state of Missouri to Kansas in December 1994 for a reporting job at The Wichita Eagle. I thought I’d be here a couple of years. If you’re any good at math, you’ll see that something went amiss with that plan. Got married, had good luck with jobs, blah blah blah.

4. If you are from Kansas, have you ever lived elsewhere?

Not applicable

5. If someone were to hand you $10,000 (no strings attached), what would you do with it?

I would use it to splurge on an upcoming trip or two. We tend to choose moderate options when traveling and it would be fun to get a little luxurious in our choices.

And for a good deed portion of this found money, I’d donate enough money to the Sedgwick County Zoo to name one of the tigers there Truman (the name of the University of Missouri mascot, in honor of Harry S. Truman).

6. Who was the first blogger you ever really followed?

The Bloggess 

7. What’s your favorite pair of shoes?

Hiking shoes … because if I have them on, that means I’m on a trip and that makes me very happy.

Here we are at the Fire Wave in Nevada's Valley of Fire State Park.
Me and my favorite shoes in Nevada’s Valley of Fire State Park


I also covered some general “who are you” stuff in my very first blog post in December 2012.


Writer. Photographer. Lover of travel. Believer that all who wander are not lost. #Mizzou grad living in Wichita, Kansas.


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