• Weird shit that happens

    Why I will never get a full Brazilian wax … ever again

    Because it hurt like a mutha. The end. Shortest blog post EVER. ~~~~~~~~~~ Sure, I could tell you embarrassing details about my first AND last Brazilian wax, which happened last summer. Is that what you want? You want me to relive it by telling you: the sweet girl at the front counter (you know who you are and I bet you’re reading this!) knew this was my first time and told me it really wasn’t going to be bad at all. I found out after the fact that she’s never had a waxing of the bikini bizkit, so she was just telling me what it took to get me to…

  • Photography,  travel

    Trip pix: Pittsburgh with an h

    I’ve had a few readers ask me about the photo in my blog header so I thought I’d share the story behind it. No, it’s not a stock image I purchased – but thank you to those who think my photography work is good enough to sell :-) Back in August 2010 when Lee & I were meandering around Pittsburgh, I thought to myself: I shouldn’t have worn these sandals. Oh, and look at this cool view. I should take a photo of this old viewfinder because it’ll go well with the blog I will likely start in two and a half years. OK, what really happened: I was trying…

  • Lee,  Weird shit that happens

    Lessons learned on Valentine’s Day 2000

    I learned a couple of important lessons on Valentine’s Day in 2000. {OK, so it might have been the year 2000 or it might have been 2001 … it wasn’t long after Lee & I were married in January 1999. The point is, we were newlyweds.} Early in our relationship we settled into a tradition of staying in on Valentine’s Day and making dinner together. We usually did something simple — like making pizzas — and would watch a movie. Apparently I still had newlywed brain that particular year. I went out and spent way too much money on some hot pink, sexy get-up. I’m not talking about something simple…

  • College,  Family,  Friends

    Lessons learned on Valentine’s Day 1992

    I learned a couple of valuable lessons on Valentine’s Day in 1992. I was a 20-year-old sophomore at the University of Missouri. D.T. was also a sophomore, but he was about 8 months older. It’s not a huge age difference but significant because it meant he had turned 21 years old the past December and was now able to go to bars … without me. We’d been dating about 18 months and this was my first long-term relationship, unless you count my torrid affair with J.V. that spanned fifth and sixth grades at Benton Elementary {lots of intense dates at the Skate-or-Bowl in Columbia, Mo.!} <– sarcasm font goes there…

  • Lee,  Sports

    A house divided: what Lee & I argue about the most

    Lee and I go to all the home Wichita State University men’s basketball games. Lee’s been going for 20+ years, I’ve been going since I started dating him (about 16 years). EVERY year we have this same argument about the Big 12 vs. Missouri Valley conferences. I’ve adopted the WSU Shockers as my local team, so I’m a fan. But c’mon, there’s a big difference between the type of athlete and the level of play in the MVC compared with the players and the style of play in a league like the Big 12. Or the SEC, where my Mizzou Tigers now live. This annual debate has been hot &…