• Family

    The influence of an aunt

    I realized something recently that I really should have realized years ago – I have always had a role model of a child-free woman right here in my own family! My Aunt Linda, my mom’s sister and the woman I was named after, was child-free. I’m not sure how I missed this until now…other than the fact that our situations are quite different. While I’m child-free by choice, my aunt was child-free by chance. And thanks to my Uncle Skip, she had a six-pack of stepdaughters. So any impact on my decision to not have children would have been subconscious. We never discussed it; in fact, I don’t know the…

  • College,  Family,  Friends

    Lessons learned on Valentine’s Day 1992

    I learned a couple of valuable lessons on Valentine’s Day in 1992. I was a 20-year-old sophomore at the University of Missouri. D.T. was also a sophomore, but he was about 8 months older. It’s not a huge age difference but significant because it meant he had turned 21 years old the past December and was now able to go to bars … without me. We’d been dating about 18 months and this was my first long-term relationship, unless you count my torrid affair with J.V. that spanned fifth and sixth grades at Benton Elementary {lots of intense dates at the Skate-or-Bowl in Columbia, Mo.!} <– sarcasm font goes there…

  • Family,  Weird shit that happens

    Kegel vs. kugel: choose your words wisely

    So some kegel-y things have been happening lately, which I take as a sign to write about the kegel. Kegel-y thing #1 I’ve been tweeting for a few months now, working on building a community there. Follow me @melindaschnyder. I’m up to about 340 followers. About a third are people I met at a blogging conference last fall. Others are friends or colleagues, or people who are following me because I follow them. Tangent: Digital Underground is following me y’all! I tweeted about the Humpty Dance song and he saw it and followed me. If only that would work with Rick Springfield… Then there are followers who I have no…

  • Family

    How me & my brother made it in the show at Teddy’s House of Comedy

    So sometimes I’m going to need to get all deep on this blog. This is one of those times. But it’s a funny story while being tragic. Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary. Lee and I got married Jan. 15, 1999. January 15 is also the day my oldest brother killed himself, in 2003. Of course something like that never leaves your heart or your mind and it took a few years for me to be able to celebrate my anniversary on that day. One thing that helped was planning trips to coincide with our anniversary. Therapy helped, too. And time. Time helped dull the pain, the anger and the sadness…